Nana Ama McBrown and Maxwell tie the knot - SEEBGH.COM

Nana Ama McBrown and Maxwell tie the knot

Actress Nana Ama McBrown married her longtime boyfriend, Maxwell Mensah at a private ceremony over the weekend in Accra.Nana Ama had earlier revealed that she would want a private wedding.

Unfortunately, photos were banned at the ceremony with notices “NO PHOTOS”.She said her preference for a private marriage is not due to her inability to afford a big wedding but just a matter of choice and plans to officially release photos in three months’ time, according to reports.

“Being the kind of person I am, I will need a venue as big as the Accra Sports Stadium if I really want a big wedding but mine is going to be pretty much just family. That’s what we’ve decided to do,” she earlier stated.

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