Communing Rhythms by Woedem Prisca Abodakpi - SEEBGH.COM

Communing Rhythms by Woedem Prisca Abodakpi

Come and go

People may into our lives

Destiny’s creation it is

But like the dawning of a new day that drives away the moon,

And the blossoming of flowers and leaves to welcome the spring

So is the battle of friendship each day

Springing flowers battle the old away

To catch the radiant sun

Rise in its glory and bless the inhabitants of the fields

Out of its generous bounty

So, is the human race

And struggle to friendship

The earth chooses not the trees it grows

The flowers it nurses,

The mammals that tread it

Nor the sky, the creatures it upholds

Or its very own components

But what about man?

We choose not those who we encounter

But most definitely

We play a core role in those who stay

Choices are made, but hearts speak

Speak not for your heart

Your heart knows the tune it dances to.

About Prince Abodakpi

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